Information Pertaining to the Publication of the Unaudited Consolidated and Unconsolidated Results of the First Half-Year of FY’20

10 Apr 2020

In accordance with the regulations of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and applicable legislation, Datalab Tehnologije, d. d., is publishing the following message:

In accordance with the recommendations of the Securities Market Agency of Slovenia published in the Circular for Public Companies on 2 April 2020, Datalab Tehnlogoije d.d. would like to announce that, exceptionally, the unaudited unconsolidated and consolidated business results for the first Half-Year of the 2020 Fiscal Year, which began on 1 July 2019 and ended on 31 December 2019, will be published latest by 31 May 2020.

By delaying the publication, we will be able to provide higher quality information especially with respect to the main events after the end of the fiscal period, and the expected effects the Coronavirus pandemic will have on company operations.

This message will be available at SEOnet and Datalab’s website ( from 10 April 2020 for at least five years.

The Management


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