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PANTHEON optimization is planned to make changes also in relation to the points below.
Please, read the questions and give your views about that.
Step 1 of 3
Most settings were defined more than 10 years ago, meaning that some of the settings may already be obsolete or not in use any more. Trying to make sure not to remove any of the features actually still in use, please, share with us your opinion whether you and your customers actually use the features and functionalities below.
1. At the moment, settings for rounding in PANTHEON are in the Administration Panel in two areas, both in Goods and in Document Types. Do you use the settings in Administration Panel | Document Types? If this setting is in use, can we add a completely new, separate setting to the Administration Panel and remove it from Document Types?
2. Do you need a separate rounding of the whole invoice amount, or can we use only parameter for all roundings?
If separate parameters are required, please, give us a use case example from practice.
3. Can we combine the rounding of lines in issuing and in receiving? If not, why not?
4. Do you need a separate rounding at the level of lines when issuing in a local and a foreign currency? If you need separate parameters, please, give us a use case example from practice.
5. Do you need separate rounding parameters for retails invoices or can you use general rounding settings from wholesales?
6. We received a suggestion to remove rounding of lines in the balance sheet so that only the rounding in the header remains. What is your opinion on that – can we remove this setting?
7. Posting template – here, we would also like to remove the rounding in lines, because it has no logic behind it. Please, state your opinion on that.
8. Rounding of depreciation calculation: in the Administration Panel, there is a setting that depreciation calculation can be rounded to a whole number or to one decimal place. Does anybody use this parameter? Is there a legislative requirement that enables or requests this? It has been suggested to remove this, so please give your opinion.
Please provide information of most expensive queries from user databases and attach zip file to the inquiry:
CPU: select * from vPA_SysPerformanceCPU I/O: select * from vPA_SysPerformanceIO
Please run each of the two queries in PANTHEON SQL Editor and export fetched data to excel files as shown
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